Are there any portable players with sound you do like?  I'm not trying to be
a smartass, just trying to educate myself.  I know you follow
this particular area a lot more then I do.
I've never been much of a audiophile, I've listened to a LOT of music at
work over the last few decades, always on portable players because that's
the only way.  As far as the ipod or zune, I've read multiple places the
zune has a better sound processor, but I can't tell.  Could you?  Or are
they both just too bad to even consider?

Any portables out there you do like?  Any suggestions for someone wanting to
see if they can hear the difference?

On Sun, Aug 16, 2009 at 12:22 PM, Eric S. Sande <> wrote:

> They are what they are.  No one with any serious interest in
> music takes them as anything more than that.

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