Well, okay, but compared to what?

I guess that wasn't a good answer because it comes down to
expectation.  If all someone has ever heard is recorded music,
it is logical to conclude that that is their standard.

I am not willing to open the worm can here.

But I will say that for those who have heard live acoustic
music on a regular basis, the standards are different.

No one would argue that a recording of Eva Cassidy sounds
exactly like Eva Cassidy.  The only argument is how close it

That we can approximate it is great.  The whole equipment
part is secondary to the recording and engineering parts.

Which we can't control.

We can't even compare Eva Cassidy to herself, because she
is no longer with us.  But her recorded songs sound good.

They soud better on good equipment.  Not saying they sound
bad anywhere, but that's a fact.

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