
You are you own worst enemy!  ... but as you say you love it.

We all ... most of us anyway ... just wish you would do the easy and more inexpensive thing by leaving that boat anchor on the bottom where it now rests and belongs for all eternity and just get a computer off the shelf that is current and works.

That shop is your enabler as in ... a unhealthy codependent relationship.

But I guess if you got a Dell, we'd never hear from you again...


When you come up and get that chip for your "Jones", pick up a Dell too at the same time ... for your computing.


Marcio wrote:
Sorry to take your time guys. As I said before, to some extent I enjoy computers and its vicissitudes... Talked with shop right now. I have a generic computer with an ASUS Mobo and a Pentium 4 (I believe 2.6). It was giving me all kinds of problems. It had Windows XP Pro and I have the Vista Upgrade.
They said that when they get the computer ON in AM the processor temperature 
goes to 60 degrees but when they installed Vista the temperature went much 
higher and the computer stopped. They said that the solution is a new Pentium 4 
Chip which I just bought and will bring back to them in the end of the month (I 
will be in Baltimore in September). I just want to see if the computer will 
work with the new Pentium 4, and if they can install Windows Vista so that I 
may upgrade when Windows 7 comes in. The guy said that they will do it...with 
the new chip. I am concerned...

By the beginning of October I will give you all a follow up...

Many thanks


-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Dunford <>
Sent: Sep 1, 2009 7:37 AM
Subject: Re: [CGUYS] Intensive Care Unit...

I sent it to the shop. They were going to start from zero with Windows Vista. 
Then they called me to
say that I should not do this becuase of many drivers. They thought I should do 
it with the XP
Marcio, I said this the first time, and I'll say it again: You need to find a new computer shop. 
Last time they said that MS was taking Vista off the market because of "too many bugs". 
This time it's the drivers. There is no problem with Vista and "many drivers". These 
people do not know what they're talking about.

I second the recommendations about Dell. They're not expensive, and they're 
reliable. This isn't worth your time.

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