For me, the Single Payer is the goal. And we will get there. There is no place 
for profit by denying care in any health care system.
Did you notice any Country in this world copying the USA system?...


-----Original Message-----
>From: Mike <>
>Sent: Sep 7, 2009 3:29 PM
>Subject: Re: [CGUYS] Intensive Care Unit...
>Only your misunformation on this one. I doubt when he mentions single  
>payer federal system he is talking about just Illinois.
>I dont get why the lefties dont want to admit this is the goal, what  
>are they afraid of?  It's very difficult to have any real discourse  
>when facts are so easily shoved aside. All you have to do is listen to  
>Obama and others who represent him. Admitting this is the goal would  
>mean we could have an honest conversation about the merits or lack of  
>with this kind of system. We are entitled to our own opinions, but not  
>our own facts.
>Sent from my iPod
>On Sep 7, 2009, at 10:53 AM, b_s-wilk <> wrote:
>>> Search youtube for obama single payer, should be the first hit  
>>> posted by nakedemporer.  I'd post the link but I still can't copy/ 
>>> paste.
>> More misinformation. The single payer plan Obama supported was for  
>> Illinios, not nationwide--had nothing directly to do with current  
>> propose legislation other than it's something he likes, not a plan  
>> he's pushing federally. The disinformation is too effective in  
>> getting too many uninformed people to think they want the  
>> [corporate] worst plan instead of favoring one that will work best  
>> for them.
>> Get OS v.3.0 for your iPod, then copy/paste as much as you want.  
>> It's only 10 bux.
>> *** 
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