No one could compete with Freddy and Fanny because they had the implied (turns out real) backing of the US Treasury and they could borrow at rates lower than other financial institutions. That's how they made those gobs of money (before the fun ran out). And Franklin Raines made his 90 mil during the same years that Fanny Mae couldn't produce a yearly financial report.

In order to say you have a competition, then you have to have winners and losers. Do you really think that if a public option were set up to compete, that it would have a chance in hell of losing.

t.piwowar wrote:
On Sep 9, 2009, at 1:06 AM, Jeff Wright wrote:
You can't "compete" with the govt. "Choice" with the state is a bug, not a feature.

This has no basis in fact. You just keep chanting that wingnut mantra. Keep your eyes shut real tight while you do.

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