Where are you getting this nonsense? What part of "option" won't flow through your head? I'd recommend using a hammer, but then you'd have to use your insurance. That is if you have insurance. Option means optional. Wham, wham, wham. Bang your head against the wall a few more times and it might sink in.

Jeff Miles

Join my Mafia

On Sep 8, 2009, at 10:06 PM, Jeff Wright wrote:

Whjy are you afraid of a choice between the private insurers and a government
program? I said: choice.

Private insurers can't print money or tax their customers when times get tight.

You can't "compete" with the govt. "Choice" with the state is a bug, not a feature.

If the issue are persons without insurance, then why are we talking about making a program for everyone else too? As I said, it's a stalking horse for single-payer.

If it were only to cover the uninsured, then expanding Medicare coverage would be the expedient and practical solution. It's not even on the table.

For a president who said that he didn't want any part in running an auto company, he sure seems all fired up to run an insurance company.

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