One side of it is that Doctors did not need to purchase it and did not.

Professionals are notorious (I mean Doctors etc.) in keeping up with the latest technology.

With all the doctors I get to see with my wife We have only seen one clinic (Othopods) who used tablets and kept all their records on computers. He was able to call up the record, even an MRI on tablet and then send it to a viewer and show us the MRI.

This is out of 10 doctors 1 did it this way.

Not good stats.


At 11:14 PM 9/8/2009, you wrote:
        Ok, this is on both topics, health care and computers. Jim Clark
started Healtheon. MS bought it. It was supposed to be a system of
putting healthcare history of patients online to cut out waste.
Whatever happened with that?

Jeff Miles

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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