You did not understand me. I am not going to insist.
With all respect...

-----Original Message-----
>From: mike <>
>Sent: Sep 6, 2009 5:33 PM
>Subject: Re: [CGUYS] Intensive Care Unit...
>You don't seem to have a full grasp on capitalism.  If your letters didn't
>arrive you'd switch carriers and get them to arrive.  It's called Fedex and
>UPS and DHL etc.  Would one pizza shop across the nation be good?  Only one
>choice?   Somehow I think not, why make good pizza if you know your
>customers only choice is to not eat it?  And now imagine if the govt forced
>everyone to buy one pizza a week to support their govt pizza how
>good would the pizza be?  I'll stick with being able to pick from 20
>different shops around me...different tastes, different prices.
> Competition.
>On Sun, Sep 6, 2009 at 1:16 PM, Marcio <> wrote:
>> If the USPS was privatized no letters would arrive in non-profit routes...
>> as a matter of fact they would be closed. Like happens to patients under
>> private health insurance...
>> Marcio
>> -----Original Message-----
>> >From: Jeff Miles <>
>> >Sent: Sep 6, 2009 4:04 AM
>> >Subject: Re: [CGUYS] Intensive Care Unit...
>> >
>> >       True, the post office certainly has on many occasions.
>> >       Does anyone really stop and think what the post office does on a
>> >daily basis? I have yet to find a privet company that has worked as
>> >efficiently and consistently. And, being governmentally run, the post
>> >office's goal isn't to make a profit. No government program is run to
>> >make a profit. People bitch when the programs loose money, and they'd
>> >bitch about prices and taxes if the programs were making money. It's a
>> >no win situation.
>> >       I have yet, in my 47 years, realized something getting lossed by
>> the
>> >USPS. On occasion it's taken a day or more to get here or there. But
>> >at the cost, I really can't complain. And with the millions of letters
>> >and packages they deal with each day, Fed-Ex and UPS seem to be doing
>> >just fine. In fact new people are coming on board. What's the new one?
>> >Some Yellow truck, 3 letters, can't remember the name.
>> >       Socialized mail can't be that bad for business.
>> >       Maybe that was President Obama's hidden agenda in asking kids to
>> >write a letter. It was to themselves, but maybe he'd had hopes they'd
>> >actually mail them and boost the profits of the USPS? Or maybe he'd
>> >had the market flooded and hoped they'd all lick some tainted stamps?
>> >The conspiracy theories flourish.
>> >
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