One postscript on the GPS issue: don't get too used to relying on your GPS unit. The satellites on which GPS depends are aging and will need replacement very soon. No money has been appropriated for any replacement satellites, and you can't send the space shuttle up to fix them. So, basically, you're just one satellite failure away from having to get out your road maps and your compass. (The weather satellites [on which your nightly TV weather forecasts and Internet weather sites depend] are also wearing out and need to be replaced.)

So maybe it's time to write your congressman and senators, if you like GPS [or weather forecasts of even marginal accuracy].

You might also remind your senators and your congressman that China and--surprisingly--India both have space programs and, among other goals, are aiming for the moon. I don't necessarily want the U.S. to do a land grab and claim the entire moon, but I don't want China to do it either. (Among other things, the moon could be a dandy gun platform, if an unfriendly government got hold of it. And, of course, the moon is the gateway to the rest of the solar system.) $3 billion, which is a lot of money but pocket change when you look at the stimulus program, would put NASA's moon program [as well as other programs] back on track--it's dead in the water right now, for lack of funds.

I wonder what will be the predominant language of space exploration: English, or Chinese?

--Constance Warner

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