I also forget to mention, a weapons platform on the moon wouldn't provide for much of a surprise attack. "FIRE!" And then 3 days later.... I hate hearing this idea of why are we sending people to space. Do you really think a robot could have fixed the Hubble the couple times it's needed to be fixed? I really doubt it. Do you really think we could gather the information needed on how space effects humans by a bunch of robots? And no clear purpose? How about the survival of the species? Have you ever heard that old saying, don't put all your eggs in one basket? That's a major reason for getting some of us off the planet.

Jeff Miles

Join my Mafia

On Sep 10, 2009, at 11:59 AM, Chris Dunford wrote:

Huh? I thought NASA's moon program is, unfortunately, still alive and sorta on schedule. We're abandoning our plans for a space station after our
commitments are done and putting all our eggs into Ares/Orion.

As of this moment, it still is alive. However, a White House panel of experts has recommended canceling the moon plan in favor of other ways to get to Mars. I wish they'd recommended canceling the whole manned space program instead. It's staggeringly expensive and serves no clear purpose. Satellites and robots can do far more for far less.

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