It's late and I'm tired so your sarcasm kind of went over my head. So with this post I'm not sure what your really think. But the us can't shut down the space station. We don't own it. I think it's called the ISS for a reason. Hell, the Russians are broke and seem to be docking there more often then we are. I'm really surprised Disney hasn't gotten into the manned space flight race. What an E ticket ride that would be. Oops, I'm dating myself. Can you imagine the little stand ups at the beginning of the line? You have to be this tall. Of course now they'd say you have to have 20 million dollars. Well there goes lunch and shopping in the afternoon.

Jeff Miles

Join my Mafia

On Sep 11, 2009, at 8:29 PM, db wrote:

Yeh ... and the US announced something er other about wanting to shut the Space Station down in 2015 ... a mere years after completion so we can pay for manned missions going back to the moon or to Mars or just wandering around out in space.

Why would that be?

Anybody notice a striking commonality between developing brand new manned space missions / military hardware, starting new wars, and keeping our current insurance companies in charge of our national health?

Could it possibly be cost-plus unregulated pricing and profits in a time when most all other American business is sucking wind / getting clobbered by the foreign competition?.

I know it just HAS to be a coincidence!

Maintaining and improving existing systems and competing for market share ... how droll, boring and penny pinching. And worse yet everybody else knows something about it and looks over your shoulder or worse yet is in your face or already got there before we did.

No money for reality when we're broke. BUT a good fantasy or something totally inexplicably fantastic... THAT we might borrow some more money for....

The Chinese will be glad to put it on our tab right?

Or maybe we can walk on air and right on up there to the moon while we are at it!

Why pay attention to laws of gravity when laws of economics obviously don't affect us??

Pardon my sarcasm.....


Jeff Miles wrote:
   It's becoming one busy place.
I've thought about what my great grandkids would think about our arguments over manned space flight. Do you think they'd be looking at us like we look at those who argued man wasn't meant to fly? Time seems to go by so fast. I was reminded of this when they brought that pilot back who was shot down in the gulf war. Was it really 19 years ago? Where did those 19 years go? Oh, Kodak quit making film and I'm now complaining about the cost of a terabyte external drive. 19 years ago I had a smuggled out from Micron a 1 megabyte wafer of chips about the size of a CD hanging from my car mirror. Now it's a joke. I miss the days of tubing down the river with a beer in one hand, straw grass in my mouth and getting burnt to a crisp.

Jeff Miles

Join my Mafia

On Sep 11, 2009, at 3:19 PM, Eric S. Sande wrote:

Here's another example: the space station, where not much science is getting done by the three-person crew.

Up to six now.  There are currently two Soyuz spacecraft on station
at a given time, since May 29, 2009.  To be precise,  TMA-14 and
TMA-15 are docked at the Pirs nadir port and the Zarya nadir port
respectively, and Progress 34P is docked at the Zvezda aft port.

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