> What I do find is that one side only mentions the problems with the other
> side.  For every Madoff there is a government bureaucrat like Geithner
> ripping us off.  For every wall street banker there are guys like Ted
> Stevens or Charlie Rangel.

Actually, what I think is that each side either doesn't see or doesn't notice 
when the other side criticizes one of its own. I've seen plenty of "If Rangel 
did what they say, he's got to go" on
liberal sites. Same thing with ACORN. The general liberal position I'm seeing 
is, "ACORN didn't mess with the 2008 election in any significant way (as 
conservatives believe), but saying that that
doesn't mean that I support everything they do. These videos show some 
outrageous behavior that needs to be addressed, pronto."

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