Finding web stores & sellers from other countries on Google search in
the U.S. produces unsatisfactory results for me. Specifying the
Google search domain from other countries has proved for me to
produce a limited number of links. Question: Is there a good way of
finding web stores internationally? From Google, or from other web
searches? Is there a way to access a web search that is primarily
directed to an overseas country?

I shop at overseas stores from links as Yahoo Shopping since my email is in Europe anyway [Spain]. Yahoo France,, has links to Kelkoo where I found '1 116 offres chez 74 marchands'

eBay France has 4 pages of pens when I search "stylo plume" Not nearly as good as Kelkoo where pens range from 1,04€ to 2300€. Don't know which brand you like, though.

Can you read/speak French?

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