Which one did you order and from who?


At 11:23 PM 10/2/2009, you wrote:
Question: Is there a good way of finding web stores internationally?
Not really.  It has to do with tariffs and trade, generally.

Foreign exchange and VAT make a difference too. The dollar is down against the Euro, after going up in the Spring. Makes a difference when the Euro was $1.30 and now it's pushing $1.50 [$1.46 today]. Depends on if the merchant bothers to remove the VAT, which can reduce the price by more than 10%, but the sliding dollar makes up for that.

I just ordered some electronics items from Hong Kong--free shipping. That's a big change from when I bought my shortwave from HK and paid US$18 shipping and insurance. There's a Customs Declaration on the package, filled in with "gift" and the value of the items--less than half of what I paid, maybe even less if it's in Hong Kong dollars. I don't think they do that in Europe, at least, not in France.

Is the cost of pens plus shipping less than buying them from a US vendor?

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Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace www.princeofpeaceozark.org
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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