I still haven't seen the manual yet, but yes, I was told it was impossible to follow. Obviously, I wasn't addressing you with the RTFM issue. A simple don't bother me, read the manual or no response at all if you are too bothered to help, would be appropriate. Thanks again for your helpful response.

John Duncan Yoyo wrote:
On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 1:07 AM, Frank Sestir <fses...@verizon.net> wrote:

Thanks for your help.  I was contacted by email, obviously I couldn't read
the f 'in manual Tom.  But I did get online to linksys and read their
instructions.  They were very similar to your responses. I'll give them a
try when I go to set it up (and I WILL read the manual, ty.)  Reading online
it says that the autoconfig doesn't work if security is set up.  The
expander has to be set up manually. I find it amazing that some people can't
be helpful and civil at the same time.

John Duncan Yoyo wrote:

On Sun, Oct 4, 2009 at 1:19 PM, Frank Sestir <fses...@verizon.net> wrote:

I have a friend using a Mac Power Book computer.  They purchased a
Wireless G Expander.  Any suggestions on how to connect this to make it
with their wireless router.  They were told by the store they purchased
from that all they had to do was to plug it in and it would work.


look at post 3 at this site.  <

The basic outline of what they did to get it to work was:
1) Turn off WEP on your router
2) Plug the WRE54G in the same room as your router
3) Hit autoconfig button
4) Browse to and make sure the settings match your router
5) Change the WRE54G SSID to something DIFFERENT than your router
6) Turn on WEP on the WRE54G
7) Turn back on WEP on your router
RTFM is way too prevalent.  Part of the context of the post I pointed you to
was the manual was bloody awful.

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