On Oct 17, 2009, at 3:45 PM, Reid Katan wrote:
Just got a Mac Mini and realized I don't have a USB keyboard to jack into it. Other than it being a nice keyboard, is there something about a Mac keyboard that's worth the $35 or so premium? If I run Parallels, should I expect any problems with Windoze (probably Win7)?

I use a KeyTronic and a KVM to switch between my Mac and my other computer.

At the time I bought it Apple did not have the low-profile keyboard. At home I have a low-profile Mac keyboard. Today would I spend an extra $35 for the Mac keyboard? Definitely yes. It has a lovely touch. But if you also have to use non-Mac keyboards I would not get it. Typing on the Mac keyboard requires some adjustment and switching back and forth is hell.

Should you expect any problems with Win7? ROFL!

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