On Oct 17, 2009, at 4:58 PM, mike wrote:
So if your alternate reality distortion field hits his reality distortion field, do we have life ending results or do the both of you just kinda blink

The Times wasn't very nice either...

"Forecast for Microsoft: Partly Cloudy"

"Critics of Microsoft say it has hugely underestimated market changes and plotted a long and winding course toward irrelevance. It remains too fixated on its old-line, desktop-based franchises, they say — too slow, too predictable and too, well, Microsoft.

“They are trapped in their own psychosis that the world has to revolve around Windows on the PC,” says Marc Benioff, the C.E.O. of Salesforce.com, which competes against Microsoft in the business software market. “Until they stop doing that, they will drag their company into the gutter.”

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