
 outlook express lost (emails OR messages)

You'll find a number of relevant pages. I don't use OE, so I can't tell you if 
any of the techniques will work, but it's worth a shot.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Computer Guys Discussion List [] 
> On Behalf Of Gail.Miller
> Sent: Saturday, October 17, 2009 5:51 PM
> Subject: [CGUYS] Please Help! Scores (maybe hundreds) of emails have 
> disappeared from my Outlook
> Express Inbox
> Hi ...I have my C drive waaay too full of "stuff" and I keep saying I'm
> going to purge it and purge the email folder but so far I haven't done it.
> Today the computer was running especially slow so I shut it down (the normal
> way) and when I rebooted, all this email was missing from my Inbox. I have
> maybe 10 with today's date on them and then the next date is 7/3/2008! What
> can I have done to cause this and what an I do to restore the missing
> emails?? Some of this is work-related (I freelance). None of my sub-folders
> (15 or so) seem to be affected. I tried a 'system restore' to last Friday
> even though no new programs have beenn added or anything, and on rebooting,
> same thing. No emails between 10/17/2009 and 7/3/2008. Please help!!
> Thanks in advance,
> Gail Miller

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