So, he's saying

iPhone::iPod Touch::iPhone OS    =    father::son::holy ghost  ?

On a topic more related to the article, remember the YouTube
Droid commercial

(at < XTqcec&feature=player_embedded>)

that was discussed here last week?  I saw it on live TV this weekend.
I thought it was all wrong when I saw it on the web, and I can't believe
that they didn't fix it for TV distribution. It starts by playing an upbeat tune (with the lyrics "Oh, it's magic") with brightly colored text messages saying things like "iDon't have a real keyboard", "iDon't have multitasking", etc., up to "All the things iDon't have" which is followed by the classic
scifi/spy movie signal hijack sequence that takes us to an dark
background with a ominous robot voice saying "Droid Does".

When you see this kind of thing in a horror movie advertisement,
it makes you want to go see the movie about the scary thing, but
it doesn't make you want to have the scary thing happen to you.
Similarly, this commercial may make you want to find out more
about Droid (and iPhone) but leaves you with the feeling that you
want an iPhone and not a Droid.

They should have reversed the visual and aural feeling for both
segments of their commercial and make it more like the "heroic
rescuer" movie advertisement, where everything is dark and
somber (iPhone) and when it seems that there is no hope, a hero
appears (Droid).

As it is, their message is mixed and the net result is that they
are probably actually selling iPhones.

"In a religious sense, the iPhone is a monotheistic religion. Basically, its OS believes in one device. Yes, I know there is the iPod touch, as well as variations of the iPhone (original, 3G, 3GS), but these are essentially all the same device with essentially thesame hardware, just boosted specs. Meanwhile, Android, Windows Mobile, BlackBerry, Symbian, etc. are all polytheists. But "pagans," while perhaps not exactly right, is a cooler term, so let's go with that. All of these other mobile OSes are pagans. They answer to many devices, their "gods."

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