Sounds like the argument to use has more apps!  One of the new
Verizon ads makes fun of 'there is an app for that' by showing a Verizon map
app that shows their 3g coverage compared to the lack of with ATT. Apples
biggest weakness has always been their poor network partner,  and now with
the android phones that are out and coming soon, there are phones that will
offer good choices.
There are things on that list iPhone users want despite what you want to
make up. Open development and true multitasking are two of them.

On Oct 26, 2009 2:13 PM, "tjpa" <> wrote:

On Oct 26, 2009, at 1:20 PM, David K Watson wrote: > > They should have
reversed the visual and aura...
But that would not work at all. Just play yourself a couple of iPhone ads.
Make a list of all the cool things that Apple has demonstrated how to do
easily with the iPhone. It is all sweetness and light. They have made
"There's an app for that" into a trademark. People know that there are
50,000 apps and that competing smart phones will have something between 5
and 50 apps. None of the claimed "defects" are on people's must have lists.

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