I see it completely different.  The front end represents that cutesy little
iphone your friends might have.  A nice toy but if you want a real phone for
a grown up?  Go droid.  Just because you think horror movie doesn't mean
everyone does, I know I didn't, none of my friends did.  To the ones I've
spoken to about it, the message was pretty clear and they were positive
about it, even the iPhone users I know.  There has been that undercurrent
among some of those that don't like apple, that they produce toys.  Ever
hear the joke about Steve Jobs and his fisher price OS?  I think this ad is
playing on that.

On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 10:20 AM, David K Watson

> So, he's saying
> iPhone::iPod Touch::iPhone OS    =    father::son::holy ghost  ?
> On a topic more related to the article, remember the YouTube
> Droid commercial
> (at <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPYM-XTqcec&feature=player_embedded>)
> that was discussed here last week?  I saw it on live TV this weekend.
> I thought it was all wrong when I saw it on the web, and I can't believe
> that they didn't fix it for TV distribution.  It starts by playing an
> upbeat
> tune (with the lyrics "Oh, it's magic") with brightly colored text messages
> saying things like "iDon't have a real keyboard", "iDon't have
> multitasking",
> etc., up to "All the things iDon't have" which is followed by the classic
> scifi/spy movie signal hijack sequence that takes us to an dark
> background with a ominous robot voice saying "Droid Does".
> When you see this kind of thing in a horror movie advertisement,
> it makes you want to go see the movie about the scary thing, but
> it doesn't make you want to have the scary thing happen to you.
> Similarly, this commercial may make you want to find out more
> about Droid (and iPhone) but leaves you with the feeling that you
> want an iPhone and not a Droid.
> They should have reversed the visual and aural feeling for both
> segments of their commercial and make it more like the "heroic
> rescuer" movie advertisement, where everything is dark and
> somber (iPhone) and when it seems that there is no hope, a hero
> appears (Droid).
> As it is, their message is mixed and the net result is that they
> are probably actually selling iPhones.
>> http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/10/26/AR2009102600648.html
>> "In a religious sense, the iPhone is a monotheistic religion. Basically,
>> its OS believes in one device. Yes, I know there is the iPod touch, as well
>> as variations of the iPhone (original, 3G, 3GS), but these are essentially
>> all the same device with essentially thesame hardware, just boosted specs.
>> Meanwhile, Android, Windows Mobile, BlackBerry, Symbian, etc. are all
>> polytheists. But "pagans," while perhaps not exactly right, is a cooler
>> term, so let's go with that. All of these other mobile OSes are pagans. They
>> answer to many devices, their "gods."
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