I checked the Greek and there is a definite article in there.

it is translated as the love of money (one word old language avarice)

It is a behavior or mind set.

It is very hard to translate into English all the behavior instilled in a word sometimes. Also in translation they sometimes drop the definite articles where they should not be dropped. Most foreign languages use definite articles in front of words to help denote gender and tense. It was not until my studies of German, Greek, and Hebrew that I had an AH HA moment about English and the use of terms such as Definite Object and indefinite object and realized what the concept was. In the foreign languages you could see it very clearly.


At 05:04 PM 10/28/2009, you wrote:
First off different translations.  I will consult the originals.

Usually the words all have a definite article (the) which English does not include so depending on the translators they either include or delete the article.

Our church is a Church of the Gospel not law so we do not go after the goyim or barbarians (infidels is an Islamic term). Instead we pursue them to share with them the Good News.


At 02:21 PM 10/28/2009, you wrote:
"A root" not "the root." Evil has many other roots, like religion for

How many infidels have we killed today?

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace www.princeofpeaceozark.org
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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