Nope we call it, "That dog wont hunt"

Basically you can have all the eye candy you want, it can mix drinks as far as we care, but if it cannot get the job done and wont allow the work we want to get done then it is not worth the effort so that dog wont hunt.

Right now the Iphone is a lot of eye candy, it has a lot of apps, and is really neat, but for the real people who work and need to get work done who live in rural America (Which is still a good chunk of the population) the Iphone is a useless piece of eye candy. The network is not large enough, it does not have enough coverage and is not useable enough for those folks.

Usually a lot of the discussions here are those type of discussions.

I grew up in the city, and went to school in the city. But since graduating from the Seminary 27 years ago, the largest town I have lived in has been 14,000 people. I have lived in villages. or townships that had less than 1000 population. (Yeah those places still exist) and had to listen to the big city pastors talk about all that they had offered to them in the city. I still get to listen to some of it but not as much because in the south there are very few places that have major metropolitan areas. (There are a few but they are highly concentrated) Most areas in between are very lean and sparse. (As it is also with the Midwest, which you coasties call fly over country)

So talk the big story of how great the Apple Iphone really is, but until it becomes a real work horse, it really is eye candy for those who have bucks to spend.


At 02:50 PM 10/27/2009, you wrote:
On Oct 27, 2009, at 2:54 PM, Rev. Stewart Marshall wrote:
Left them within the 30 day window as reception was so lousy in and
around us.  (Back to Verizon and he will probably be one of the
first to get a Droid phone)

Can we call it a backwoods droid?

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