OK so you are saying Jobs is just like everyone else out to get our money?

I thought Apple was the home of altruism?

Verizon also did not want to be stuck with the problems. From what I understood Apple wanted everything but was willing to give nothing. Verizon said we wont play that game.

So Apple approached ATT and ATT jumped at the deal because they needed a way to bring more folks in. (Sounds a lot like deceptive marketing to me).

So Apple went with a second rate network to get their device on the market?

I never said companies never ship stuff before they are ready but I think you are always trying to stick it to MS because of this, but never realize Apple is just as bad sometimes. (Reminds me of: "Why do you see the speck in your neighbor's eye, but do not notice the log in your own eye?")

Finally stop with the backwoods droid crap.

I am not sure you caught the philistine comment, but just because we are not citified does not mean we are not acculturated.

Again you just fulfill most of the expectations we have from Mac Fan boys of being out of touch with reality and culture snobs.


At 10:01 AM 10/28/2009, you wrote:
Jobs better be doing it for the money or his stockholders will burn
him at the stake.

Recall that Apple approached Verizon first and they turned the deal
down, probably because they knew their network could not take the load.

ATT was willing to work with Apple so they got the deal. Apple had to
take second best with a promise to improve in order to get their
product to market at all.

Are you trying to convince us that companies never ship products until
they are 100% perfected. If that were true Windows would never have
shipped at all.

You backwoods droids are just going to have to suck it up and install
your own femtocells. Don't be cheap now!

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace www.princeofpeaceozark.org
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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