Since Mike is so desperate to find out what the Droid can't do
that the iPhone can, here's two:

Because the Droid is built for Verizon's mostly CDMA network, you
don't have simultaneous data and voice. So you can't for example
do a web search for restaurants while making dinner plans with your
caller, or find a map while also getting verbal help...

Android is software, not hardware. It can work in phones on GSM and CDMA networks, plus WiFi, Bluetooth, UMTS, etc. Nokia is in the process of merging some of its Symbian smart phones with Android features. Most of their customers are on GSM networks, not CDMA.

Can one take an existing smart phone and install Android? Does Android have to be pre-installed? Can there be a "dual-boot" as on phones that can use multiple phone numbers so that a user can change operating systems on the fly? Can Android be installed on a jailbroken iPhone? unlocked iPhone? iPod Touch?

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