On Nov 2, 2009, at 10:00 PM, b_s-wilk wrote:
Android is software, not hardware. It can work in phones on GSM and CDMA networks, plus WiFi, Bluetooth, UMTS, etc. Nokia is in the process of merging some of its Symbian smart phones with Android features. Most of their customers are on GSM networks, not CDMA.

Exactly, and the software running the Driod is not getting stellar reviews...

Motorola DROID review

"Besides the introduction of the phone itself, obviously 2.0 is a major update for Android. Based on the launch and hype surrounding Moto's device, we'd say it's fair to assume that Google wanted as many eyes on the achievement as possible. They definitely got it with the DROID -- but was it worth all the fuss?

The first thing you should know is that Android 2.0 isn't drastically different than 1.5 or 1.6...

One of the first major changes Google has made is support for multiple Gmail or Exchange accounts... We would have been slightly more stoked about the feature if it allowed you to look at both Gmail and POP / IMAP / Exchange accounts in one field. Instead, you can view your Gmail accounts separately... Not exactly a perfect implementation...

"Another minor niggle: deleting an email now takes you to the next email in your inbox rather than bumping you back out to the list of emails, as it did in 1.5 and 1.6...

"We loved being able to keep a few of our accounts in the phone, but we ran into a weird and annoying issue when attempting to remove one of them...

" It's not groundbreaking stuff, but nice choices to have (finally).

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