Tony B <> escribió:

Why don't you guys start your own thread to whine about cell phones? I
started this thread to discuss online storage - "the cloud". Serious
topic hijacking.


You hijacked this thread.

Tony sez: "...But have you seen modern cell coverage maps of the country? What part
are you in that you can't get your email anywhere you need it? Offline
access just isn't a factor any longer..."

You claim that we can get our email and data "anywhere" and it's "cheap" but that's clearly not the case. Online storage sucked in 1978, 1988, 1998, 2008, and it's not practical for people on a budget now, only for businesses and those who can afford continuous connections and have continuous access to those networks.

You're the one in the cloud fantasy, not us.

You're the serious topic hijacker. Keep on topic.


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