Our backups in the cloud are certainly under OUR control. Well, mine
anyway. I tell it what to backup online, and if I need to access it, I

Yes, I suppose Google et al, could announce tomorrow that they'll be
charging for gmail. But why live life based around what some company
*might* do in the future?

Your point about security is certainly a valid one. If you need HIPAA
or DOD security, then you need to be careful, as many cloud apps
aren't yet fully compliant. However, for day to day use, it really
doesn't bother me. So what if someone manages to read my old email?
There are no state secrets in there. Ditto on my computer backups.

Note though that in no cases of identity theft has anyone anywhere
ever accomplished the deed by breaking into someone's cloud storage.
It's just not that difficult.

On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 12:10 PM, Rev. Stewart Marshall
<popoz...@earthlink.net> wrote:
> I just have one problem with this.  It is under someone else's control.
> What is to say that they will not come back and say If you want this
> information you will have to pay us such and such $s.
> Secondly everyone claims paranoia about the government getting into your
> stuff (listening in to phone conversations, tracking our movements with GPS,
> etc. etc.)
> Yet we will put this stuff up on the cloud and trust that no one will get
> into it?
> One of the things that keeps getting stressed in Identity theft classes, and
> with youth on what NOT to do to get a job is putting stuff on line.
> The Cloud is not secure.

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