Why are you adding all that unrelated stuff together? Just to make a
point with people that can't add???

If you're tired of hearing about cloud computing then you're on the wrong list.

For those of us who are on the road a lot, all of the items are important to be connected well enough to remote servers. Otherwise it isn't feasible. Lots of places don't have WiFi or broadband or even reliable mobile networks. Often, I have to use my phone card from a landline, sometimes from a pay phone if I can find one.

Do you stay home or mostly in your local area? Sounds like you do. What would you do to connect to your clouded data from central Wyoming, or Mexico? I've been to both and many other places that have spotty connections.

I'd never be able to get my data if I had to rely on remote servers without a satellite phone. The only things I keep online in an encrypted "vault" are passport, prescriptions, hints to credit card numbers and logins [not full info]. Some of my email is online, but it's not practical to have all of it online since "online" isn't available in many places.

Stay home. Stay local. Online might work. Leave home. Travel around. It's as bad a service as it's always been--unless you have a company paying for the necessary connections that you need on the road.

The "cloud" name is new, but it's a revamped version of an old idea. I'm just waiting for the new, new name for it. "Cloud" is a bad name. Too nebulous. The name gives the impression of unreliability, but maybe that's deliberate--a warning.

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