On Sat, Nov 7, 2009 at 5:26 PM, db <db...@att.net> wrote:

> Yeh... and you might like to know that since Feb,  T-Mobile has an
> unadvertised minutes plan called "Loyalty" that gives customers, who have
> been with them for a while, UNLIMITED prime time minutes for $49.  ( I used
> to pay $45 for 1000 mins...).
> They will offer you that if you are a long time customer and you ask to
> cancel and / or you just plain ask for it.
> Made me postpone switching to iPhone that would have cost me $130 / for
> unlimited mins.
> Which is why T-Mobile is doing it.
> And when T-mobile finally gets a good smartphone / iPhone, maybe I can
> upgrade and keep the inexpensive unlimited minutes too...

I believe that iPhones can take a Tmobile SIM chip and work just fine.  This
deal is for all those early iPhone adopters who are coming off the AT&T
contracts soon.

John Duncan Yoyo

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