No you buy a used Iphone that no longer has a contract on it.

I just read an article about a an Iphone/Worldphone possibly 3rd qtr 2010.


At 07:59 PM 11/7/2009, you wrote:

Does that mean I could get an iPhone and find someone to unlock it and put my chip in it for $49??? Uh Oh! ... Just realized ... I guess as it stands now I would have to contractually pay ATT/Apple until my 2 yr. contract ran out anyway.

And I would have to buy a T-Mobile data plan too.  That would be $39.
$49 + $39 = $90 which is a lot better than ATT's $130 ... but the ATT contract is the killer for now.
I will have to wait until Apple sells the iPhone to the other carriers.

Anyone know when that will be?


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