It's only illegal if you don't already own a qualifying product. You
may remember when I installed Win7 on this machine I had to call MS.
They specifically walked me through installing my upgrade product to a
new bare drive. But I was replacing Vista; just not to the same drive.

On Sun, Nov 8, 2009 at 4:39 PM, tjpa <> wrote:
> Always doing its best to be helpful, M$ wants to let you know that if you
> want to install W7 on a new drive you are a dirty rotten crook.
> Windows 7 upgrade 'hacks' not legal, Microsoft suggests
> "Over the past several days, there have been various posts…[showing] that a
> Windows 7 Upgrade disc can perform a 'clean' installation of Windows 7 on a
> blank drive from a technical perspective," Ligman wrote last week in a
> Microsoft small-to-medium business blog. "Of course, from the posts I saw,
> they often forgot to mention a very basic, yet very important, piece of
> information.... 'Technically possible' does not always mean legal."
> WFBs will of course take umbrage at the site of us ROTFLOLing, but we just
> can't help it. You dirty rotten crooks!

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