So, once you have done an OS upgrade on your machine, you can no longer do an 
annual re-installation of the OS on a reformatted drive.  And if the drive on 
which the upgrade was done suffers a hardware failure, it is illegal to install 
the upgrade OS on the new hard drive?  (unless, of course, you first install 
the old OS and then perform an upgrade to it?)  Why does MS insist that one go 
through the more lengthy process??  What is to be accomplished except harassing 
the customer?

Fred Holmes

At 04:39 PM 11/8/2009, tjpa wrote:
>Always doing its best to be helpful, M$ wants to let you know that if  
>you want to install W7 on a new drive you are a dirty rotten crook.
>Windows 7 upgrade 'hacks' not legal, Microsoft suggests
>"Over the past several days, there have been various postsÂ…[showing]  
>that a Windows 7 Upgrade disc can perform a 'clean' installation of  
>Windows 7 on a blank drive from a technical perspective," Ligman wrote  
>last week in a Microsoft small-to-medium business blog. "Of course,  
>from the posts I saw, they often forgot to mention a very basic, yet  
>very important, piece of information.... 'Technically possible' does  
>not always mean legal."
>WFBs will of course take umbrage at the site of us ROTFLOLing, but we  
>just can't help it. You dirty rotten crooks!

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