On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 10:37 AM, mike <xha...@gmail.com> wrote:

> You can take screenshots, don't think it's built in though.

  Speaking of the coming of the "Droids," here is what the Motley
Fools say about the $100 million ad campaign recently launched on TV.
They felt the same uneasy and shuddering feeling I have when I see the

  "Between the calculatedly folksy Americana, the loving depiction of
military hardware, the mass destruction plunging from the heavens in
trails of fire, and the transforming robots, someone at that ad agency
has clearly seen way too many Michael Bay movies. (It lacks only
shirtless, sweaty Marines and an American flag waving against a

  Even if you ignore the ad's queasy combination of warfare and
commerce -- I don't exactly want to buy a product being sold via a
bombing run -- I simply can't understand how Motorola, Verizon, and
Google think that positioning their product as a destructive, hostile
menace is going to endear it to anyone. The iPhone's ads make it look
cool, hip, and empowering. This Droid ad makes it seem poised to
enslave us all."


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