On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 5:05 AM, Jeff Miles <jmile...@charter.net> wrote:

>        Ok, I have a b**ch here. Has anyone else had a problem with burn in
> on their 24" intel iMacs?
>        I recently took mine in for repair or replacement. They told me it
> was burn in and wasn't covered by the warrantee. I've owned this computer
> "brand new" since 6/09. It is on most of the time. But I have been running
> the screen saver. The burn in marks are very obvious and from running
> Safari. The things that look like scratches line up perfectly with the
> Safari window.
>        I find it hard to believe a decent monitor would suffer burn in like
> this after only about 6 months. I have a clam shell ibook that's been on for
> a couple of years strait and doesn't suffer this problem. In fact, I can't
> remember seeing monitor burn in since I can't remember when. Maybe it was an
> old CRT many years ago.
>        I constantly run most of my computers 24/7. I run screen savers on a
> few. I do on the new one with problems. I use my pictures folder as a screen
> saver.  I like seeing pictures I've taken on vacation. I've found this to be
> the best way to do so, or those vacation pics just get stored somewhere.
>        I'm rambling. I heard that maybe Apple had one manufacture for the
> 20" and another for the 24". Am I the only one that's seen this?
> Aren't these LCD monitors?  I didn't think that they could burn in.  <quick
google for lcd monitor burn in> Ah they call it persistance.  Apple support
recommends this method-quick version replace your screen saver image with an
all white one.

John Duncan Yoyo

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