It's the stupid cloud again! No. The cloud won't obscure computers. Ridiculous, as in worthy of ridicule, as only in geek fantasies.

Computers are changing, but aren't going away any time soon, and neither are Apple or MS, as long as they keep changing as technology evolves. Apple is in a better position than MS, in that they create the hardware that's evolving instead of MS keeping up with software competition.

The cloud will never be able to overwhelm computers, at least in the US, since it's not available all the time, everywhere. My local computer, Touch, and/or smart phone are more reliable than the cloud will ever be, as long as it's not ubiquitous. You can't integrate with the Internet if it's not there or remains too expensive.

Cloud....HAHAHAHAHAHA. George Carlin had some wonderful comments about ephemisms like "the cloud" and the stupidity of euphemisms in general. Cloud...DUH! Where's my free Internets??? Where's my cheap Internets? Where's the "everywhere" Internets????

Do you trust Google with all your precious and personal data? Do you _trust_ the Cloud?

mike escribió:

Somehow I don't think MS or especially Apple have anything to worry about.
Google is going to race to the bottom with this one for a little while I
think.  Look out for bad sales on win 7 starter in the future...if there
ever were a future for starter.

On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 10:16 AM, tjp <> wrote:

"Put differently, in more concrete and less aesthetic terms, Apple and
Microsoft began decades ago with "the PC," and they're currently involved in
a slow and painful process of trying to stretch and push "the PC" out
towards the Internet and towards a more useful and integrated relationship
with the cloud as a new type of server.

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