Why do I so want to call Mike "Rush" here?
While I do greatly appreciate your help with my cell phone's background screen, I have found you in the past a bit more ego involved then Betty has ever shown. Actually it doesn't really bother me that much. I realize we all have big egos. Some must show it more then others. As to your comment about what technology will be here in a decade, two decades, longer... I think we all have a pretty good idea of where it's going. Sure there will be occasional break throughs(sp) that will branch us off here and there, but for the most part? It's pretty easy to predict. Actually, in my lifetime things have gone much slower then most predicted. These foresighted prognosticators usually seem to forget to add a variable into the equation. That would be cost and where the public thinks it should be spending it's money. The health care debate is a perfect example. Sure, there will be small things along the way that lurch us forward that may or may not have been predicted, but for the most part, where we're going is pretty easy to see.

Jeff Miles

Join my Mafia

On Nov 20, 2009, at 10:55 PM, mike wrote:

A little less of your ego and you might actually consider what I'm saying. We, you and I have no idea what technology will be here in a decade, two decades, longer..it is presumptuous to assume you are just smarter than the
previous generations and will just grok it.

On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 11:25 PM, b_s-wilk <b1sun...@yahoo.es> wrote:

mike escribió:

I get the feeling Betty is that farmer on the side of the road 100 years
ridiculing his neighbor for using a fancy tractor with one of those
to plow his field instead of the tried and true mule or team of horses. Sure the next few years...decade...the horse was pretty reliable, but it didn't take long before that farmer was left behind still crowing about
bad those jalopies were.

I think back to teaching my great uncle the computer basics, a man with
two doctorates, a world traveler, decorated officer in WW2,
composer...friend to several presidents. The computer was just beyond him...technology had grown from his grasp of the age he was born in. Will we be like that when our children or grand children are running around
the newest tech?

Hej sonny boy. Old folks in your great uncle's generation--and
older--invented computers.

I studied programming long before PCs. I've worked for companies via the Internet and never met any other employees in person. My brother and I built a mechanical computer as a school project [after the 5 foot slide rule was done]. There are sensible uses for technology, fun things to do, expensive
business applications, and pie-in-the-sky geek fantasies.

It makes sense to use redundant remote storage for business. It's overkill for an individual to store all personal files remotely. It's also stupid. Why? The Internet isn't everywhere, so your files are locked away in the "cloud" until you can get them. I store duplicates of important files on the Internet for when we're traveling. Most of the time I can't access them from
our remote locations, so I have to carry cryptic info with me.

Put your imagination to work on something more useful. Why not write some
viruses? That's a fun hobby.


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