Fred that can be turned off and I do. (turn it off)


At 10:34 PM 11/21/2009, you wrote:
I'm ridiculously annoyed by WinXP. Among many annoyances is it's propensity to index everything. I think having everything indexed is a security vulnerability. If a 'bot is searching for something, all it has to do is search the index, which is not only quicker, it also is a lot less intrusive and therefore less likely to be noticed. But I haven't found any way to turn WinXP indexing off and keep it off. Especially the indexing it does of removable media.

There isn't really anything I want to do with my computer that Win2K won't do, except for occassional things such as this inability to connect directly with new digital cameras. And that's a feature, I think, of the new cameras, not a bug.

Fred Holmes

At 10:08 PM 11/21/2009, Tony B wrote:
>Yes, I am ridiculously annoyed by those extra 4 drives as well, so I
>keep mine unplugged until it's needed. I'm also annoyed at Win2k so I
>haven't run it in years. Great in it's time, but no need for it now.

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