On Sun, Nov 29, 2009 at 1:57 PM, tjpa <t...@tjpa.com> wrote:

> On Nov 29, 2009, at 1:09 PM, John Duncan Yoyo wrote:
>> Apple made a mess of this process early on.  They didn't make the rules
>> clear early on and then keep spring secret criterea for failing things.
> Yes they did and they are struggling with the burden. Should they be
> faulted for not being prepared for 10,000 submissions a week? What is the
> precedent? How many Google Gadgets or Microsoft Gadgets are there? Who would
> have known?

Perhaps the fault is for not retooling their operation to deal with the
volume.  It has been a over a year.   Programming for the appstore now is a
losing proposition.  You do the work, it gets lost in the que for months, it
gets rejected and you wait in the que again until it can be released to the
ap store where it gets lost in the crowd.

> How many apps a day should a worker be able to review and follow up on? Say
> they process 4 a day or 20 a week. That means Apple needs to have a staff of
> at least 500 people just reviewing apps. Add to this various support people
> and managers and it is probably close to 1,000 people that Apple has to
> supply for this free service.
> Only a hopelessly biased WFB could be critical of Apple's efforts. M$
> doesn't do anything like this.
> Tom do you actually pay attention to what other people post? I said this in
a post here within the past 24 hours - "My decsion is I prefer to use a Mac
OS rather than the latest M$ kludge job but my office has PCs so it pays to
be able to use the cursed devices- I know they are cursed they make me curse
them all the time.  Win7 is way less crappy..."  Does that sound like a WFB?

Apple should be doing a better job on this.  This is just one of the holes
in their corporate world view.

If people knew what was the bright line for unacceptable was wouldn't submit
them.  This would account for some fraction of the apps presented.  If it
were only ten percent approvals would be several days sooner.
John Duncan Yoyo

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