Quoting tjpa <t...@tjpa.com>:

On Nov 29, 2009, at 1:09 PM, John Duncan Yoyo wrote:
Apple made a mess of this process early on.  They didn't make the rules
clear early on and then keep spring secret criterea for failing things.

How many apps a day should a worker be able to review and follow up on?
Say they process 4 a day or 20 a week. That means Apple needs to have a
staff of at least 500 people just reviewing apps. Add to this various
support people and managers and it is probably close to 1,000 people
that Apple has to supply for this free service.

In a brilliant attempt to merge two threads, perhaps the App Reviewers at Apple can stay over hours, and work the weekends for no extra pay so they can get through the back-log of apps. Then Jobs and Gang can reward themselves with bigger bonuses for increasing "productivity".

Hey. Just a thought.

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