True, but USB3 is still vaporware. Or, is there a separate word for an
entire hardware standard that's way overdue?

Anyway, we have no trouble using USB2 external drives. But I sure
would like more bandwidth!

On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 1:14 PM, mike <> wrote:
> You need to read up, USB 3 does allow for two way traffic.
> On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 11:00 AM, b_s-wilk <> wrote:
>> FW:  Well to say it's superior is only half right.  It's superior in some
>>> ways.  If raw speed is what is needed, USB3 or ESATA is superior.  I would
>>> go everyday and twice on sunday for an esata drive on my home network over
>>> FW...but there are situations where FW would be best.
>> For drives that can hot-swap, no USB, real or vaporware can compare with
>> FireWire for speed and reliability [eSATA depends on controller and mobo].
>> That's important for real-time video and animation. FireWire allows two-way
>> 'traffic' while USB can't send and receive simultaneously. I stopped using
>> the USB port on my videocam because the video was unreliable [because of
>> USB, not my camera] while FW is flawless as long as the battery is working
>> or it's plugged in.
>> Where flawless raw speed is required, FireWire is better than USB at any
>> speed--I have FW800, my camera doesn't. Most users don't need that kind of
>> smooth reliability, even for games. Sometimes cheap, L.C.D. is just fine.
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