Thanks,  I am noticing that at least with IE, I can click on links and
actually go to them.  Long ago I had disabled the Windows firewall to use
Zone Alarm's.  Was that a mistake?
Using XP.


On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 4:49 PM, Ellen Rains Harris <> wrote:

> Operating system?  Amount of RAM?
> Generally, you don't need a firewall in any Win version after 2000.
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Ranbo" <>
> Sent: Monday, December 07, 2009 3:57 PM
> Subject: [CGUYS] Consternation over Computer Constipation - help!
>   Once again I seek the wisdom that is so generously dispensed here.  My
>> Dell
>> desk top just doesn't seem to want to do anything right...or quickly. When
>> I click on links nothing happens.  Sites don't load or only very, very
>> slowly, hence the constipation metaphor.  IE freezes up and Fire Fox
>> (which
>> is what I usually use) is having the above problems.  Documents also open
>> slowly.  These problems seem to have occurred or become significantly
>> worse
>> since I installed the upgrade for the free AVG software on Dec 1, when the
>> previous version expired, so wonder if this has a role.  I notice that it
>> now has a spy ware software, as well as the free Zone Alarm Pro version I
>> downloaded maybe 2 months ago (the previous free version didn't have this
>> as
>> I recall).  I also have at least one other spyware program running, so
>> wonder if I have too much of a good thing.
>> My question is - I don't even know where to start to figure out what's
>> wrong
>> or how to fix it.  Are there simple steps I should take to see if the
>> problem(s) get better? I can't even fix the message that says "Firefox is
>> not able to show the Toolbar."  Don't know if this is related, but in
>> Firefox, don't even have the back keys highlighted or functional.  Tried
>> to
>> reinstall Firefox but got a message and wouldn't even let me do this. One
>> other thing - the program that is supposed to automatically begin to
>> download pics from digital camera to PC also isn't working (and it once
>> did).  Couldn't get this fixed, either.  Don't know if this might be
>> related
>> to other problems.
>> Is my computer now like a very old person or car, where too many things
>> are
>> breaking down and it looks terminal??  Should I just start uninstalling
>> questionable software?  I'm afraid if I start tinkering, I'll make things
>> worse.  I have 1 gig of memory.  Should I add more?  Will this magically
>> solve everything?! :)
>> Thanks as always
>> Randall
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