Some of my OS X complaints were oriented to my personal efficiencies and preference re: Menu's and Docks/ Taskbars but my other motivation in commenting is because frequently I am responsible for lab type workstation pools (of Macs, Win and Linux machines) that highly pressured misc. non-computing professionals use and at times I train people to do things on those platforms also.

So no matter what I am willing or not willing to do for myself... I still constantly struggle with people who are struggling with these OSX (and increasing Win... ) issues I mentioned.

And I'm inherently aVERY lazy guy. Every mt. I climb means I then have left the time and energy for one less mt. Troublesome interface design is troublesome design ... it's affects of inefficiency / wasted time and resources constantly roll downhill on all comers over and over and over and over ad finitum.

Great interface design is always rewarded ... but it's truly hard to do

The only people not affected by bad interface are professionals who have either figured out the issues so long ago they have forgotten or "bring to the table" so much collected IT knowledge and capability that they don't even notice that non professionals / non geeks are stumped ... think the interface is from "outerspace."

Some of you guys know so much that you have forgotten what you didn't know when you started out ... and that's where a lot of the rest of the world is. Great design and empathy are terrific things... not only can they make the world better... they can both make you money.

Ok, ... I'll get off my soap box...

But I still think it's a good and worthy discussion...


tjpa wrote:
On Dec 16, 2009, at 1:49 PM, db wrote:
So I got particular... put down some of my exact observations and experience about OS X tech inefficiencies that get in my way and are surprisingly and noticeably unintuitive.... and that I would like changed.

I'm particularly disappointed that this thread has continued to carp about some supposed user interface problems when it is really PEBKAC. Why the opposition to learning how to use a tool better?

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