Uhh. Mkay, if you can't figure out where to go from there, perhaps you should not be 
using a computer. How about clicking on the word "Help"?

Frankly, I don't see how a noob is going to make the connection in OSX to click on an 
oval shaped white spot at the top right of the Finder window and type "help" 
into that.

If someone is that clueless about computers they really should get some 
assistance. It would be an interesting exercise to put some 100% no nothing 
(about computers) people in front of a few computer systems and see how they 
make out with no help whatsoever.

I have seven apps open now. Each has "Help" in the menu at the top of the screen as the last menu item. There's also a spyglass or magnifying glass icon at the far right of the screen for searches. The Help menu is pretty straighforward, not revealed by pressing an F-Key or in a Start menu.

My aluminum keyboard doesn't have a Help key, although I could program one if I wanted. Noobs don't need that. All they have to do is look at the display and the word Help is at the top in menus for each program.

The thing I don't understand is searching in Windows. Windows used to have the best search features, many times better than on Classic Mac. Now any time I search for something, even if I'm looking at the file, Windows can't find it. Yes, I could do an advanced search, but most people wouldn't do that. So if you want to search for Help files, Windows might not find them. Mac OS X.5 isn't quite as bad, but its default is search by content instead of by name, and you can't change it until after the results appear.

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