So if I decide I want to wire my outhouse for broadband, Eric should be compelled to haul a cable or go to jail?

If you've got the casheesh to cover my costs, and you're in my territory,
I'll wire that joint like George Jetson.

But I'm not going to do it at a loss. I'm not a charity, I'm a for profit business accountable to my stockholders. Who are happy with my dividend but not exactly pleased with the stock performance.

I think there's a lot of stress here that is based on ideology and self-interest. Folks, I CAN put a chicken in every pot as far as broadband.

I'm working on it.

The problem is that my pockets, while deep, aren't deep enough to do it as fast as certain people would prefer.

"Take rate" is an issue. If I "wire" fifty houses for FIOS and only ten subscibe, I'm losing money. The reality is that a lot of people don't actually give a rat's ass about broadband. Those that want it the most tend to live further away from my POPs, which drives up the cost of the buildout. We'll get to them, but this is all a capital investment balancing act.

But we don't need no stinkin' government handouts. We'll do this on our own, unless the American people get fed up and vote for more bread and circuses. If that happens I'll deploy faster. But I will not compromise the quality of my build or the financial basis of my company under any circumstances.

And you can take that to the bank.

(Obviously not a feel-good message, and of course I don't speak for anyone other than myself, certainly not that telephone company that I allegedly work for,)

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