works without computer and the 911 feature works.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tony B [] 
Sent: Friday, January 01, 2010 10:42 PM
Subject: Re: MagicJack: a VoIP question

Actually, that's two questions. First, you may use your existing
telephones with MJ, but you don't have to. It comes with an interface
that easily switches to "headset" so any headset (or mic and speakers)
can work.

No, pulse dialing is ancient history. You could not dial a number from
a rotary phone downstairs and connect. But again, using the provided
software, you can just punch numbers on the software keyboard and dial
while sitting at your computer.

My own experience with MJ has been spotty. I would vastly prefer a
unit that connects to my router, like I had with Vonage. Then it would
stay on 24/7 and wouldn't interrupt my gaming on my computer. However,
at discounted prices of something like $5 a year, it's all I can
reasonably afford. I just don't use a phone that much, and not at all
for international dialing.

I don't really know how reliable the 911 is; I mean, it's not like I
can test it or anything. But in my 55 years I've never called 911
(from home) so I'm not going to base my telephone decisions on that.
Besides, right now there are some 10 people on IMs (Facebook, Yahoo,
etc.) that I could gasp out a "Call 911!" and they'll do it. I could
also just send a text to the wife's cell phone, but she might not get
it for a few hours. Oh well, I've lived long enough. :)

On Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 6:39 PM, Robert Carroll
<> wrote:
> (1) Information about MagicJack is appreciated.  It seems from the CU
> description that a corded handset is needed -- I might be able to find
> buried in a closet an old rotary-dial phone for MagicJack (if I decide to
> get same) since all my land-line phones are cordless.  Can MagicJack
> understand pulse dialing?

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