I switched from a smartphone to an ENV2.

My wife wants to upgrade to an ENV3

BB's do have a touch screen it is called the Storm 2.

There are those sold on touch screens and there are those who are not.

I am not sold on touch screens I want a physical keyboard.


At 12:19 PM 1/3/2010, you wrote:
> The key board is enough of a deal breaker for me that any other advantages
the phone has are lost.  Was considering the ERIS but I text message as my
main method of communication on a phone but I want a real keyboard.  I might
need to go with a blackberry device or the next LG ENV until they get that
right if my phone dies.

Phones cycle quickly enough these days that it shouldn't be a long wait.
John Duncan Yoyo

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace www.princeofpeaceozark.org
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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