At 01:41 PM 1/6/2010, you wrote:
Date:    Wed, 6 Jan 2010 11:44:53 -0500
From:    Chris Dunford <>
Subject: Re: new bank and a mint

There was a significant problem not long ago, especially in major cities, with wait staff who had handheld card readers. They'd quietly swipe cards and sell the information. I don't know if this is still a big problem--perhaps the buyers have mostly moved on to online hacking--but it certainly was a problem a few years ago.

Anyway, the main point is that there are those who won't use cards online because it's "unsafe" but will happily hand their cards over to some guy they don't know, probably with multiple body
piercings. That ain't safe either.

At BofA, I have their visa card and they offer
ShopSafe® is their free service for Online Banking customers that allows you to create a unique, temporary account number for online purchases.

You specify the max amount and the expiration date for the shopsafe card
and you print out a replica of the card with all the data necessary to
on-line shop with the safety of knowing that it can only be used to the max
you specify and one time and it expires..


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