I do not know about the card reader, but we did have a problem here a few year ago with an ethnic restaurant getting card numbers of patrons and using them. People prosecuted, problem ended.

Local police chief had it happen to him in Georgia.

I would figure if you are at a place you know and trust not as much of a problem than if you are somewhere you are totally unfamiliar with.

A number of the local eateries you check out at a front desk so you see and have control of card at all times.


At 02:07 PM 1/6/2010, you wrote:
On Jan 6, 2010, at 11:44 AM, Chris Dunford wrote:
There was a significant problem not long ago, especially in major
cities, with wait staff who had handheld card readers. They'd
quietly swipe cards and sell the information. I don't know if this is

Is this not an urban legend?

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