On Jan 29, 2010, at 11:44 AM, Rev. Stewart Marshall wrote:
It just gets frustrating being told well because you live there, you deserve what happens to you.

Do you have a restricted travel permit that won't let you visit the big city?

Bit it ain't all roses here either...

Golden Triangle Crime Alert

The Metropolitan Police Department has asked us to pass along the following information. As of late there has been an increase in street robberies around the DC Metro area. The Second District is not immune from these incidents. There is not a specific suspect lookout but there is a very specific target – the iPhone. To help combat this problem, MPD is asking the users of all phones and PDAs to use good street sense when carrying and using your mobile device.

Always be aware of your surroundings. It is a good idea to use your phone while stationary in a spot that will enable you to talk and observe your surroundings at the same time. Keep your mobile device close to your body and make sure it is out of sight when not in use. Please pass this along to reach as many people as possible.

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